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How to enable SNMP on a Cyberoam device


Cyberoam firmware doesn’t expose the necessary SNMP information for Auvik to monitor usage statistics. But enabling SNMP on your Cyberoam device still allows Auvik to detect its name and device type.

To view interface and resource statistics, such as CPU utilization, upgrade your Cyberoam firmware to Sophos XG firmware. Then see How to enable SNMP on a Sophos XG Firewall for instructions on enabling SNMP.

To configure SNMP on Cyberoam devices, you need credentials to log into the Cyberoam web admin console as an administrator with read-write permissions. Once inside the admin console, follow the steps below.

Configure SNMP agent

Navigate to System > SNMP > Agent Configuration. Configure the SNMP agent with the following parameters:

  1. Check Enable SNMP Agent.
  2. Name: Give the agent a name (e.g., CR_SNMP).
  3. Location: Specify the physical location of the device.
  4. Contact person: Enter the name of the system administrator.
  5. Manager port: The default port is 161.
  6. Click Apply.

Note: If your device uses a custom manager port, see How to specify custom ports for details on how to add that port to Auvik.

Create SNMP community

If you used a community string other than public or private, add it to Auvik by following these steps.

For SNMP versions v1 or v2c

  1. Navigate to System > SNMP > Community.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Complete the form as follows:
    1. Name: Give the community a name.
    2. IP Address: Specify the IP address of the manager.
    3. Protocol version: Select the preferred SNMP protocol version.
    4. Trap support: Select the preferred version for trap support.
  4. Click OK.

For SNMP v3

  1. Navigate to System > SNMP > v3 User.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter the username and password used for authentication.
  4. Click OK.

Create firewall rule to allow SNMP traffic

  1. Navigate to Firewall > Rule > IPv4 Rule.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Complete the form as follows:
    1. Name: Give the rule a name.
    2. Zone: Select the zone (e.g., LAN) where the SNMP server resides.
    3. Network / Host: Select the SNMP server.
    4. Services: Select SNMP.
    5. Schedule: Select All the time.
    6. Action: Select Accept.
    7. Destination: Select either Local or Any Host
  4. Click OK.


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