To enable SNMP on Sophos XG firewalls, you need administrator access to the device. You also need to be logged into the administrative console.
From the admin console:
- Navigate to System > Administration > Device Access. Enable SNMP on LAN zone.
- Navigate to System > Administration > SNMP. Set the manager port to 161. If you’re using a port other than 161, specify it here. You’ll also need to add the custom port to Auvik by following these steps. Note: some versions of Sophos XG don’t allow you to set a custom port, so you will need to use 161.
- In the name field, enter the name of your SNMP community. In the IP address field, enter the IP address of your Auvik collector. (If you use a community string other than public or private, add it to Auvik following these steps.)
- For protocol version, select v1 or v2c.
You’re done!