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How do I start, stop, edit, or delete management for devices?


Auvik automatically manages all devices attached to an approved network. But you can also specify which devices you want Auvik to manage and which ones you don’t. From the devices list, you can use filters to show only certain devices. For more information on filtering, see How to filter data in Auvik.

What does it mean to manage a device in Auvik?

When a device is "Managed", it means your Auvik collector will use various discovery protocols to gather information about that device. This can include anything mentioned in our article: What protocols and ports does the Auvik collector use?

What happens if I unmanage a device?

Setting a device to "Unmanaged" means Auvik will stop polling new information from that device, and it will no longer generate any alerts. The collector will still send ICMP pings to the device's IP address(es) to confirm it still exists on the network; however the device will not generate an alert if it stops responding. Any information gathered while the device was still managed will remain on the device until it's removed from Auvik.

Note that a billable device will become non-billable when it's unmanaged.

How to stop management for devices

  1. Click Discovery in the side navigation bar.
  2. Click the Manage Devices tab.
  3. In the displayed list of devices, find the devices(s) you want to unmanage. Check the box at the beginning of each row.
  4. Click the Unmanage button.
  5. Confirm the device should no longer be managed by clicking Unmanage.

How to start management for devices

  1. Click Discovery in the side navigation bar.
  2. Click the Manage Devices tab.
  3. In the displayed list of devices, find the device(s) you want to manage. Check the box at the beginning of each row.
  4. Click the Manage button.
  5. Confirm you want the device to be managed by clicking Manage.

How to edit a single device under management

Edits to a device are limited to the device name, device type, and management status. If you change the device name or type from what was originally discovered, you can always change it back by selecting the reset () button next to the appropriate field.


  1. Click Discovery in the side navigation bar.
  2. Click the Manage Devices tab.
  3. In the list of devices, find the one you want to edit. Check the box at the beginning of its row.
  4. Click the Edit button.
  5. Make the edits you want.
  6. Click Save.

How to edit multiple devices under management

Edits to multiple devices are limited to the device type and management status. For firewalls, you can also edit the maximum number of SSL VPN sessions supported by the device. If you change the device type or management status from what was originally discovered, you can always change it back by selecting Reset to Default from the appropriate dropbox.

  1. Click Discovery in the side navigation bar.
  2. Click the Manage Devices tab.
  3. In the displayed list of devices, find the device(s) you want to manage. Check the box at the beginning of each row.
  4. Click the Edit button.
  5. Select edit from the appropriate dropbox (Type or Manage Status) and make your edits.
  6. Click Save.

How to delete devices under management

Deleting a device removes it from your list of managed devices and purges all the data associated with its IP address. But note that if Auvik later discovers the same IP address on a subsequent network scan, the device will reappear in your list of managed devices.

Be aware! If you delete a managed device that’s approved for TrafficInsights, this will also delete the device from TrafficInsights. If the device is later discovered and flow is still enabled, you can re-approve it for TrafficInsights if you choose.

  1. Click Discovery in the side navigation bar.
  2. Click the Manage Devices tab.
  3. In the list of devices, find the device(s) you want to delete. Check the box at the beginning of each row.
  4. Click the Delete button.
  5. Confirm the cancellation by clicking Delete.

Credential status icons


Status description

The device isn’t running the services for the credential type.

Auvik won’t try credentials on the device based on its type (e.g., printer).


Auvik has the correct credentials for the device.


Auvik needs credentials for the device.

Auvik is trying credentials for the device.


Device is not currently supported by Auvik (e.g., missing CLI specification)


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