There are a few changes you can make to your user profile. You can:
- Update your personal information
- Reset your 2FA (two-factor authentication)
- Set your session timeout
- Generate an API key
- Regenerate an API key
- Revoke an API key
How to update your personal information
- From the side navigation bar, click your username.
- Make any edits you want to your personal information. The fields you can edit include first name, last name, phone number* and session timeout. The email address can’t be edited.
- Click Save Changes.
* Phone numbers can be a maximum of 16 characters consisting of numbers separated by a space, period, or hyphen. If you’d like to include an extension, enter it as x5678. Use only x (not ext) to designate that it’s an extension and don’t put any spaces between x and the extension number.
How to reset your 2FA (two-factor authentication)
Note: These instructions apply only if you’re currently logged into Auvik and need to reset your 2FA token. If you’ve lost your Auvik two-factor access and are no longer able to log in, ask an administrator on your Auvik account to reset your 2FA token.
Have your phone ready, as you’ll be asked to scan the QR code and enter a one-time code.
- From the side navigation bar, click your username.
- Click Reset Two-Factor Authentication.
- Scan a QR code and enter a one-time code. If you’re having problems scanning the QR code, click Can’t scan the QR code? to reveal the key for the QR code. The key can be entered into an authenticator that accepts keys.
How to set your session timeout
Auvik’s default session timeout is 30 minutes. That means if you’re logged in but don’t touch your screen for 30 minutes, your session closes. On the next click, you’ll be logged out. You can set your session timeout to be shorter or longer.
- From the side navigation bar, click your username.
- From the Session Timeout drop-down, select a new timeout period:
- 15 minutes
- 30 minutes
- 1 hour
- 2 hours
- 4 hours
- 8 hours
90 days
- Click Save Changes
How to generate an API key
After you’ve generated a key, be sure to copy it and keep it safely locked away. If you ever lose an API key, you can always generate a new one.
- From the side navigation bar, click your username.
- Click the Generate button.
- Copy the generated API key by clicking Copy.
- Click Save.
How to regenerate an API key
If you regenerate your API key, make sure you update all the locations where it may be used. Specifically, check the tunnel and the Auvik APIs if you have a cronJob set to poll for data.
To update the API key for the tunnel, change the .auvikrc
file. To update the API key for Auvik APIs, change the key in your developed scripts or programs.
- From the side navigation bar, click your username.
- Click the Regenerate button.
- Copy the regenerated API key by clicking Copy.
- Click Save.
How to revoke an API key
- From the side navigation bar, click your username.
- Click the Revoke button.
- Confirm the cancellation by clicking Revoke.