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How do I see all alerts? How do I see all notifications?


Let’s first clarify the difference between alerts and notifications.

  • An alert tells you something has happened on a network element. Not all alerts trigger a notification.
  • A notification tells you an alert is important and requires your immediate attention. To see alerts at a glance, you can add a notification channel of Map Overlay to the alert.

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s focus on how to view alerts and notifications.

  • Viewing alerts
  • Viewing notifications

Viewing alerts

In Auvik, there are a number of different ways to see all the alerts on your network, including the ones you don’t get notifications for.

  • Click All Alerts in the side navigation bar at the MSP level or multi-client level.
  • Click All Alerts in the side navigation bar at the client level. This shows you all alerts for the specific site. 
  • While looking at a specific entity, click Alerts in the entity navigation bar below the map. This shows you all alerts specific to that entity

You’re able to filter the list of alerts by severity, status, alert name, detected on, entity, description, related alert, and dismissed. For more information on filtering, see How to filter data in Auvik.

The alert grid auto-updates every 30 seconds to show the latest alerts that match your filters.

Within the list of alerts, you can see details about the alert such as severity, current status, date/time the alert was detected, the entity the alert was triggered against, description of the alert, external ticket ID, and whether the alert was dispatched.

In the All Alerts grid, external ticket IDs show only for Auvik alerts that have created tickets in either Autotask or ConnectWise Manage. Ticket IDs don’t appear for Freshdesk in the grid, but can be seen from the individual alert details. To view a ticket in either Autotask or ConnectWise Manage, click the external ticket ID.

The External Ticket ID column shows messages about trying to send the notification to Autotask or ConnectWise Manage to create a ticket. If the re-try limit has been reached or there was a failure, you’ll see an appropriate message. For failures, you’ll be able to create a notification to Autotask or ConnectWise Manage to create a ticket.

The dispatched column shows whether the alert was dispatched. Yes means a notification was sent to the notification channel(s) set on the alert definition. No means the alert was triggered during a scheduled maintenance window and was not dispatched to the notification channel(s) set on the alert definition.

For more information on viewing paused alerts, see How do I pause or unpause alerts?

Click any individual alert to see its details.

Viewing notifications

Notifications can be viewed in a number of places:

  • In the notification emails Auvik sends to you
  • In an integrated third-party application
    • In Autotask, there are three locations:
      • Service Desk > Tickets
      • When viewing the company record, click Tickets
      • The Tickets tab, when viewing a configuration that’s synced
    • In ConnectWise Manage, there are four locations:
      • Service Desk > Service Board
      • Service Desk > Service Ticket Search
      • The Service tab when viewing a configuration that's been synced
      • The Service tab when viewing a company record 
    • In Freshdesk, there are two locations:
      • Under the dashboard
      • Under the tickets tab
    • In ServiceNow, there's one location:
      • The incident table is the default location, but it could be different if you've customized the integration in ServiceNow.
    • In a specified Slack channel
    • In a specified Microsoft Teams group
  • When viewing alerts from an entity profile page. (You can filter the list to only see alerts that triggered a notification.)
  • From the MSP map, when Display Notifications is enabled
  • From a network map, when Display Notifications is enabled


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