There are several limitations that restrict Auvik’s ability to quickly discover site data. Auvik uses Oauth APIs for Access Tokens as outlined in Aruba’s documentation. This means that a user’s credentials will be needed to generate a token per site within the Aruba Central Organization. There’s an OAuth limit which restricts token creation to 30 minutes.
A 30 minute OAuth restriction means that Auvik will need to wait 30-60 minutes after the initial token is created before making API requests. Additionally, Aruba limits API calls to 5,000 calls per day.
Auvik also recommends creating an account that is specific to Auvik, and using that for the API integration instead of using your own user’s credentials.
Step 1: Adding Aruba Central credentials on the Auvik Platform
Aruba Central issues API Tokens to provide external systems access to their Cloud API. Auvik requires a set of Aruba Central credentials to manage the API token.
Log in to the Auvik platform
Select the appropriate Tenant or Site from the dropdown menu in the top left corner
Navigate to ADMIN > Discovery > Manage Credentials on the left menu bar
Go to API Credentials
- If the previous step was successful, a new option, Aruba Central, should show up in the dropdown menu under ADD API CREDENTIALS
Enter the required details, indicated by a red asterisk next to the field name
NOTE: Once you have tested and saved a credential on the Auvik Portal, DO NOT reuse those credentials.
Where to find Aruba Central credentials in HPE Greenlake
Central Region - Depending on where the Aruba Central cluster is created, each user is assigned a different cluster zone URL. For example, the Cluster Zone URL for Canada might be
To find your cluster zone URL:
Select Organization from the left hand panel
Select the Platform Integration tab
Select REST API under API Gateway
You will find a link under the Documentation table. The apigw-{region} is the cluster zone URL. Based on this URL, select the appropriate region in the form dropdown menu.
Finding the Aruba Central region in the API Gateway
Finding the Aruba Central region in the API Gateway
Username - Your HPE GreenLake username.
Password - Your HPE GreenLake password.
Client ID & Client Secret - These are static tokens tied to your app/account.
To find your Client ID and Client Secret:
Select Organization from the left hand panel
Go to the Platform Integration tab
Select REST API under API Gateway
Under My Apps & Tokens you will find the Client ID and Client Secret
Finding the Aruba Central Client ID and Client Secret under My Apps &
Customer ID - This is the MSP Customer or Tenant ID
This can be found by selecting the user icon in the top right corner. The Customer ID is the second entry.
Finding the Customer ID
Once a collector is selected and the required data fields completed, the Test Connections button should be enabled.
Click on Test Connections to test the API Key.
If the test connection succeeds, then the following confirmation message will be displayed:
Once the API token is confirmed to be valid and working, click on the Save button to save this new credential.
Once the Credentials are saved, Auvik should be able to fetch all available organizations and corresponding networks.
Step 2: Managing Sites/Networks on the Auvik Platform
Once the sites are identified on the Auvik platform, they can be managed by Tenants or by MSP.
To manage available networks, please follow the instructions available here.
Note: When credentials are added for the MSP and the identified site/network needs to be managed by a tenant, a manual step needs to be performed by Auvik Support.
Step 3 (Optional): Modifying saved credentials on the Auvik Platform
Once a credential is tested and saved on the Auvik Platform, it's advised not to modify/edit the same. However, if due to some reason, the user needs to modify an existing credential, please adhere to the following steps:
Go to Discovery
Click on Manage Credentials
Select the credential you need to modify and click on the Edit button
Modify the necessary fields
Click on the Test Connection button
Once the test connection succeeds, click on Save to save your changes
Note: If modifying the collector, contact Auvik Support for assistance.