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Managing and Creating Tags for Alerting 2.0


Tags are a way to group together frequently used devices based on any number of properties. These produce dynamic lists of devices which will adapt to changes in your network when a device is added or removed. Tagged devices can then be easily reused across any number of alerts instead of building the list of devices each time.

Note: Tags are displayed on the map but are currently not displaying alerts on the map as expected. Tags are only working under Alerts. We are currently working to resolve this.

Managing Tags

A new navigation option named Manage Tags will be available for users who have the correct permissions (Check out Side-By-Side Rollout > Permissions for more details) which can be used to manage and create tags. This page will display a list of the tags that currently exist. Similar to managing alerts, you can select tags to edit or delete them.


Creating Tags

Users can create a new tag by clicking the Add Tag button from the Manage Tags page. Tags are built in a similar fashion to alerts by specifying the conditions that meet the outcome you’re looking for.

Do you need to treat a certain make or model differently than others? You can create one tag to exclude that make/model and another for only that make/model. Are there specific groups of hostnames, device IDs, or serial numbers that you frequently refer to? Then create a tag which captures those specific devices.

Tags currently only apply to devices.

Use the condition builder to specify the parameters of the tag by utilizing AND/OR boolean statements and various properties of devices.

  • Use + Add Rule to add a new rule to a boolean group. A rule is a device condition you want either to be true or false. For example, device vendor is not equal to Cisco is a rule. All rules within a boolean AND/OR group are subjected to that boolean logic. E.g. two rules under a All conditions must be true (AND) group specify that both rules must result true for a device to be included in the tag.

  • Use + Add Group to create a new boolean group. You can chain together multiple boolean clauses each containing different rules. This allows you to create rich boolean statements like (A AND (B OR C) AND D).

For the Alerting 2.0, the following properties are available to create tags. Additional properties will be added in the future.

  • Device Type (e.g. switch, access point, firewall, etc.)

  • Managed Status (true/false)

  • Device Vendor (e.g. Cisco, Netgear, Realtek, etc.)

For example, you want to be able to easily refer to all of my switches except for Cisco branded switches. After providing a tag name, we just need to create two conditions joined by an AND group to specify we’re looking for any device whose Device Vendor is not Cisco and whose Device Type is a Switch.


Creating a Tag for Alerts to a specific group of devices

If you want to create a tag a specific group of devices.

tag for a group of devices

  • Go to Manage Tags
  • Click Add Tag
    • Tag Name: Enter the tag that you will use
    • Apply tag to: Select Devices
    • Click Add Rule
    • Select Device Name equal to
    • Enter the Tag you want to specify for the alert
    • Click Complete and Save

Using Tags

For Alerting 2.0, tags can only be used while creating/editing alert definitions.

A dropdown in the alert definition builder allows you to select a tag to use. The devices defined by that tag will be used while executing the alert (Check out Creating Alerts for more details).

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