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How do I see alert notifications on my map?


On your client map, you can see at a glance which clients have open alerts. On your network map, you can see at a glance which devices have open alerts.

Note: From your MSP dashboard, the notifications displayed on the world map represent all open alerts. From your client's network map, the notifications displayed represent open alerts only and are based on the date range you’ve selected. For example, if you’re looking at data for the last 10 minutes, the notifications displayed are from alerts opened in the last 10 minutes. Alerts that were opened outside of that timeframe, or that have been cleared or dismissed, won’t display on the map.

How to add a map overlay notification channel

There’s a preconfigured map overlay notification channel. You can customize the colors for the alert severity levels on this preconfigured channel. You can also create your own notification channel.

Notification channels added from your MSP dashboard are available to all your clients. To add a new channel for a specific client, add the channel from that client’s dashboard.

  1. Click Manage Alerts in the side navigation bar. Click Notification Channels.
  2. Click Add Notification Channel.
  3. Enter a name for the channel.
  4. Select the Contact Method of Map.
  5. Select a new color for each listed severity by clicking the corresponding color palette or entering a hex code.
  6. Click Save

Now that the new notification channel has been created, remember to associate it to the alerts you want to see on the map. The map notification channel must be associated to alerts from both your MSP dashboard and your client dashboard if you want to see notifications on both maps. If you only want to see the notifications on your client network map, associate from the client’s dashboard.

How to see notifications on your client location map

For each client with alert notifications, you can see a count of the alerts at each severity level.

Click on a notification pin to display details. Click on the location pin to access the client’s network.

By default, display notifications is enabled. But you can turn it off if you only want to see client locations on the map, and not alert notifications too.

To disable display notifications, click the gear () in the top left corner of the world map. Uncheck Display Notifications.

How to see notifications on your network map

For each device or interface connections with alert notifications, you can see a count of the alerts at each severity level.

  1. Hover over a device or interface connection, including any open alerts.
  2. Click on the alerts label in the tooltip to be taken to a list of the device’s or interface's open alerts.

By default, display notifications is enabled. But you can turn it off if you don’t want to see alert notifications for devices on the map. To disable display notifications, click the gear () in the top left corner of the network map. Uncheck Display Notifications.

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