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How do I change the theme to match my company brand?


Note: The network map has been removed from this page to provide additional space during administrative tasks such as managing alerts, users, settings, and integrations. To return to your network map, simply click Home Dashboard or All Sites in the Auvik side navigation.


You can upload your company logo and favicon, or change the color theme to match your company’s brand. Your company logo and colors will show up on all Auvik screens, as well as your Auvik alert notifications.

Changing the theme (logo, favicon and/or colors) from your MSP dashboard replaces the default Auvik theme on your own dashboard and all of your client dashboards, though if your clients have set their own theme, it will not be overwritten. If you want to replace their theme with your theme, you’ll first need to clear their theme.


How to set your company theme

  1. From the side navigation bar, click Settings.
  2. Locate the Theme Styles widget.
  3. For Company Logo, click Browse and locate the logo image you want to upload. If you want to resize the image, click an edge and drag the borders of the box.
  4. For Favicon, click Browse and locate the favicon image you want to upload. If you want to resize the image, click an edge and drag the borders of the box.
  5. Select a new color for each listed item by clicking the corresponding color palette or entering a hex code.
    1. Links and Buttons: Updates the color of all links and buttons throughout Auvik.
    2. Navigation Highlight: Updates the color shown when a row is selected or a section in the side navigation is selected. It also updates the color of the header in any emails sent from the system.
    3. Titles and Icons: Updates the the color of all titles and icons throughout Auvik.
    4. Sidebar Text: Updates the color of the side navigation text.
    5. Sidebar Background: Updates the color of the side navigation background.
    6. Map Background: Updates the color of the network topology map background.
  6. Click Save.

To return to the default Auvik theme, click Settings in the side navigation bar, then Reset. This action can’t be undone.


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