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How do I manage Internet connections?


Auvik displays the status of your Internet connection in your home dashboard. Specifically, you’ll see the default gateway(s) Auvik has discovered and the aggregate bandwidth for each connection.

See also How do I monitor my Internet connection status?

Here’s how to manage those connections:

How to add a new Internet connection

Auvik automatically discovers the default gateway(s) on your network. In the rare instance that Auvik can’t determine which device is the default gateway, you’ll need to add it manually.

  1. In the Internet Connections widget, click the Add Connection button.
  2. From the device drop-box, select the appropriate device.
  3. From the interface drop-box, select the appropriate interface.
  4. Click Save.

You can add additional gateways at any time. Adding an internet connection shows you basic bandwidth detail for the selected interface. To see more detail about the connection, you’ll want to add a new cloud ping service for the public-facing IP address.

How to edit an Internet connection

  1. From the Internet Connections widget, find the Internet connection you want to edit. Check the box at the beginning of its row.
  2. Click the Edit button.
  3. Change the device or the interface.
  4. Click Save.

How to delete an Internet connection

  1. From the Internet Connections widget, find the Internet connection you want to delete.
  2. Check the box at the beginning of its row.
  3. Click the Delete button.
  4. Confirm the deletion by clicking Delete.

How to view the aggregate bandwidth data

The default view of the Internet Connections widget is a list of each connection. The list displays the name of each connected interface, aggregate bandwidth, high and low bandwidth numbers, and current bandwidth, for the selected date range.

You can see more detail about any point on the aggregate bandwidth graphs by hovering your cursor over the graph line. A tooltip pops up to show you the date and time of the data point and the bandwidth at that time.

How to view the dashboard for a specific Internet interface

From the Internet Connections widget, find the connection you want. Click the interface name for that connection to see the interface’s dashboard.

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