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How do I manage sites?


Your global view  shows you a list of all the sites you’re managing with Auvik. From this central starting point, you can click through to any existing site, add new sites, or delete old ones.

You can filter your site list to show only certain sites. For more information on filtering, see How to filter data in Auvik.

For more details on the different site types and what it means to change types, see What are the different site types? 

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How to add a new site

There are two site relationships you can add:

  • Site is a single location whose network you manage. This is used when the organization has only 1 location you are managing.
  • Multi-site is used to group sites. This is useful when an organization has multiple locations you manage. An organization could represent a separate company with multiple sites or, a business division, a region within the company.

When you add the new site, select the appropriate site relationship. If you select the wrong type, you’ll need to delete the site and start over.

  1. Click Add site.
  2. Select the relationship type of site you want to add: Site or Multi-Site.
  3. Enter an organization name, desired URL, and your site's street address*.
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  4. Click Next.
  5. New site user authorizations. For more information on filtering, see How to filter data in Auvik. There are three options for setting site user authorizations:
    • Copy all parent authorizations: This will copy all user authorizations from the parent.
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    • Copy selected parent authorizations: This will copy only user authorizations for the selected roles from the parent.
      Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 10.34.22 AM.png

Custom authorizations:

      1. To apply the same role to each user: From the list of users, select who should be authorized on the new site. From the Roles drop-down menu, select the appropriate role: no access, admin, or read-only.
      2. To assign different roles per user: From the list of users, select each user individually. Then, from the Roles drop-down menu, select the appropriate role.
      3. Click Save.

* Your site's street address will only be used to place their location on a map.

For new sites, decide if you’ll be sharing an existing collector OR installing a new a collector on the site’s network.

How to authorize site users

After you add a new site, you can easily authorize existing users on the new site. Right now, authorizations can only be made for a single site at a time.

  1. In the displayed list of sites, find the site you want to authorize users on. Click the box at the beginning of the row.
  2. Click the Authorize
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  3. Client user authorizations. For more information on filtering, see How to filter data in Auvik.
    1. To apply the same role to each user: From the list of users, check each user who should be authorized on the new site. From the Roles drop-down menu, select the appropriate role: no access, admin, or read-only.
    2. To assign different roles per user: From the list of users, check a user and from the Roles drop-down menu, select the appropriate role. Repeat for each user where the roles assigned should be different.
    3. If you selected to authorize users on a multi-site, leaving Authorize on all sites accounts under this multi-site account checked applies the same role level to all sites of the multi-site. To assign different permissions per site, uncheck Authorize on all sites accounts under this multi-site account
  4. Click Save.

How to export site list

To export a list of your sites, click the Export button when viewing the All sites list. This exports a list based on the contents of the All sites table.

How to disable sites

  1. In the displayed list of sites, find the site(s) you want to disable. Check the box at the beginning of each row.
  2. Click the Disable
  3. Confirm your action by clicking Disable.

Note: Disabling a site will mark all billable devices on that site as non-billable.

Disabling a site will prevent anyone from logging into their dashboard. It’s recommended that you power down the Auvik collector for the site who has just been disabled.

How to enable sites

  1. In the displayed list of sites, find the site(s) you want to enable. Check the box at the beginning of each row
  2. Click the Enable
  3. Confirm your action by clicking Enable

Enabling a site will restart them. Give Auvik a couple of minutes to fully process the request before you try accessing the newly enabled site. If you previously powered down the Auvik collector for that site, don’t forget to power it back on.

How to move a site

From All Sites from your Auvik multi-site:

  1. In the displayed list of sites, find the site you want to move. Check the box at the beginning of the row
  2. Click the Disable button
  3. Confirm your action by clicking Disable
  4. Find the the site that you just disabled, check the box at the beginning of that row
  5. Click the Move button
  6. Select which multi-site you wish to move the site to from the pull down
  7. Confirm your action by clicking Move
  8. Find the site you just moved, click the box of the beginning of that row
  9. Click the Enable button
  10. Confirm your action by clicking Enable

Note: If you are moving a multi-site or a site from a multi-site to another multi-site, ensure that you are at the top most level of your Auvik site. Using the pull down menu at the top of your Auvik site, the top most level is the one that has no other sites above it on the pull down tree.

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How to delete sites

Deleting a site should only be done if absolutely necessary. Once a site has been deleted, the domain prefix for that site is added back to the pool of domain prefixes available for use by new Auvik accounts.

  1. In the displayed list of sites, find the site(s) you want to delete. Check the box at the beginning of each row.
  2. Click the Delete
  3. Type delete, then click the Delete button to confirm the deletion.

How to access a site’s network

There are three ways you can access a site’s network.

  1. In the displayed list of sites, find the site you want to access. Click anywhere in the row for that site. You’ll be taken to their network map and home dashboard.
  2. In the side navigation bar, click the drop-box below your company logo and select the site’s name.
  3. From the site map, hover over any pin to see the site's name. Click on the pin to access the site's network.

How to return to the global view from a site's network

From the side navigation bar, click the drop-down below your organization logo. Select your organization name from the list.

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