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How do I approve, add, edit, or delete networks to be scanned?


Whether you’re a new or existing Auvik user, each time a new network is discovered we prompt you for approval to scan it. But you can add, delete, or approve networks at any time—you don’t need to wait for the prompts.

If you want, you can filter the list of networks to show only certain networks. For more information on filtering, see How to filter data in Auvik.

How to approve networks for scanning

During discovery, Auvik not only finds all the devices on your network, it also finds all the available networks.

Caution! Whenever possible, avoid selecting a public network for scanning as this can result in portions of the public Internet being scanned. (And the third parties operating these public subnets may not appreciate the scan!)

  1. Click Discovery in the side navigation bar.
  2. Click the Manage Networks tab.
  3. In the displayed list of networks, find the network(s) you want to start scanning. Check the box at the beginning of each row.
  4. Click the Scan button.
  5. Confirm the network for scanning by clicking Scan. * / ** / ***

If you’ve selected a public network for scanning and you accept the associated risks, type the security word to allow the subnet to be scanned.

** Auvik can scan networks of nearly any size, but we recommend sticking to smaller subnet ranges. If you see networks that are /16 or larger, we recommend breaking up the network into smaller /24 ranges to scan—provided that only a portion of the subnet is in use. If you must scan a larger subnet, keep in mind discovery will take a bit longer.

*** If you’ve approved a parent subnet for scanning (a /24 subnet, for example), all associated child subnets (like a /32 subnet) could be discovered. Approving a discovered child subnet adds exclusions to the parent subnet specific to devices that reside on the child subnet. Once these exclusions are set they can’t be removed without deleting the child subnet.

How to stop networks from being scanned

  1. Click Discovery in the side navigation bar.
  2. Click the Manage Networks tab.
  3. In the displayed list of networks, find the network(s) you want to stop scanning. Check the box at the beginning of each row.
  4. Click the Don't Scan button
  5. Confirm the network should no longer be scanned by clicking Don't Scan. * / **

* If you’ve approved a parent and child subnet pair for scanning, devices assigned to the child subnet are automatically excluded on the parent subnet. Even if you stop scanning on the child subnet, the exclusion remains. The only way to remove exclusions for a child subnet from the parent subnet is to delete the child subnet.

** When you stop a network from being scanned, any devices already discovered continue to be monitored, but no new devices will be discovered. If you don’t want already-discovered devices to continue to be managed, you’ll need to either update the management status of the devices or delete the devices.

How to add a network you want scanned

Caution! Whenever possible, avoid adding a subnet from a public network as this can result in portions of the public internet being scanned.

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 9.09.18 AM.png

  1. Click Discovery in the side navigation bar.
  2. Click the Manage Networks tab.
  3. Click the Add Network button above the networks list.
  4. Fill in the Add Network form. *
  5. Optional: Check Exclude IP Address Range(s) to exclude devices from discovery on the new subnet. Enter the IP range (e.g - of devices to be excluded from scanning. To have multiple IP ranges excluded, click the + sign to add additional ranges. **
  6. Select the Auvik collector selection type: Automatic or Manual. If you select Manual, choose the primary collector and optionally add standby collectors.
  7. Click Save.

* If you’ve entered the address for a public subnet and accept the associated risks, check the approval box before saving the new subnet.

** To exclude a single device, simply enter the IP address of that device.

How to edit a single network

Edits to a network are limited to the network name, routed network management status, device IP address range that should be excluded from discovery, and the Auvik collector selection. If you change the network name from what was originally discovered, you can always change it back by selecting the reset ().

If you add an excluded IP range, then later update the status of a subnet to Don’t Scan, any devices already discovered within that range will continue to be managed. If you don’t want already-discovered devices to continue to be managed, you’ll need to either update the management status of the devices or delete the devices.

If you remove an excluded IP range, we’ll start discovering and managing the devices within that range.

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 9.11.13 AM.png

  1. Click Discovery in the side navigation bar.
  2. Click the Manage Networks tab.
  3. In the list of networks, find the one you want to edit. Check the box at the beginning of its row.
  4. Click the Edit button.
  5. Make your edits. To remove an excluded IP range, click the trash can.
  6. Click Save.

How to edit multiple networks

Edits to multiple networks are limited to the management status. If you change the management status from what was originally discovered, you can always change it back by selecting Reset to Default from the dropbox.

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 9.13.47 AM.png

  1. Click Discovery in the side navigation bar.
  2. Click the Manage Networks tab.
  3. In the displayed list of networks, find the network(s) you want to manage. Check the box at the beginning of each row.
  4. Click the Edit button
  5. Make your edits.
  6. Click Save.

How to delete networks

Similar to stopping a network from being scanned, deleting a network removes all devices that belong to that network from the Auvik system.

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 9.15.26 AM.png

  1. Click Discovery in the side navigation bar.
  2. Click the Manage Networks tab.
  3. In the displayed list of networks, find the network(s) you want to delete. Check the box at the beginning of each row.
  4. Click the Delete button.
  5. Confirm the cancellation by clicking Delete.




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