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Using single sign-on (SSO) to Auvik


What is single sign-on?

Single sign-on (SSO) provides an easy way to access multiple websites or applications using a single account.

Note: SAML Single Sign-On is not enabled in the Auvik trial.

What SSO options are available with Auvik?

Auvik supports SSO with Google and Microsoft Office 365 Azure Active Directory.

How do I log into Auvik using SSO?

When you signed up with Auvik, you gave us an email address. As long as that email address is connected to a valid Google G Suite or Microsoft Office 365 account, and Azure Active Directory has been set up, you can associate your Auvik account with Google or Microsoft.

If your instance of Google or Microsoft has two-factor authentication enabled, you’ll be asked for two-factor authentication for these services when logging into Auvik.

Log in with Google

If you haven’t already associated your Auvik account with Google, you’ll need to do that before you can take advantage of single sign-on with Google.

Make sure you’re logged into your Google account. Then, from the Auvik sign-in screen, click the Log In With Google button.

If this is the first time you’re using Google with Auvik, you’ll be asked to allow Auvik access to your Google account for verifying login credentials. Click Allow access. You’ll be taken to your Auvik dashboard.

Log in with Microsoft

If you haven’t already associated your Auvik account to Microsoft, you’ll need to do that before you can take advantage of single sign-on with Microsoft.

Make sure you’re logged into your Microsoft Office 365 account. Then, from the Auvik sign-in screen, click the Log In With Microsoft button.

If this is the first time you’re using Microsoft with Auvik, you’ll be asked to allow Auvik access to your Microsoft Office 365 account for verifying login credentials. Check Consent on behalf of your organization and click Accept. You’ll be taken to your Auvik dashboard.

How do I remove application access from Google?

If you no longer want your G Suite account linked to your Auvik account, you can remove access. If you originally created your account by clicking Log In With Google, when you remove access you’ll be asked to complete the How do I log into Auvik using SSO? steps above to re-approve the applications to be connected.

  1. Log into your Google account.
  2. From the top right corner of the Google screen, click on your image or initial.
  3. Click Google Account.
  4. Under Sign-In & Security, click Apps with account access.
  5. Under Apps with access to your account, click Manage Apps.
  6. Locate Auvik in the list of apps. Click on it.
  7. Click Remove Access.

How do I revoke application access from Microsoft?

If you no longer want your Microsoft account or your groups accounts linked to your Auvik account, you can revoke access. 

If users were originally created by clicking Log In With Microsoft, when you remove access you’ll be asked to complete the How do I log into Auvik using SSO? steps above to re-approve the applications to be connected.

Revoke access for your user

The following steps are for a specific user who has authorized Microsoft to be connected to Auvik. If the connection was made by an administrator through a subscription or admin role, you can’t revoke access for your user account. Your user access must be revoked by an administrator. 

  1. Log into your Microsoft Office 365 account.
  2. Click your user in the top right of the browser.
  3. Click My Account.
  4. Click Change App Permissions.
  5. Locate the Auvik app.
  6. Click Revoke.
  7. Click OK to confirm the permissions are to be revoked.

Revoke access for all users

If you authorized connection to Auvik for all users through a subscription or admin role, you can revoke access for all users. These steps must be completed by a Microsoft Office 365 administrator.

  1. Log into your Microsoft Office 365 account.
  2. In the search bar, enter Enterprise. Click Enterprise applications from the rendered list.


  1. From the list of applications, locate and click the Auvik application.


  1. Click Delete.
  2. Click Yes.


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