NOTICE! Microsoft Edge
If you’re using Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer 11, we strongly recommend using the Chromium-based Edge browser for a better user experience. Both the 32-bit Microsoft Edge browser and Internet Explorer 11 can create issues that aren’t experienced with the Chromium-based Edge browser.
HEADS UP! Changes to two-factor authentication
If you have Auvk two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled and also use your Microsoft work account or Google G Suite account to log into Auvik, you’re currently prompted twice for 2FA.
Starting Feb 22, if you use your Microsoft work account or Google G Suite account to log into Auvik, we’ll automatically disable Auvik’s 2FA. This means you’ll no longer be prompted twice and you can centralize your security settings with your identity provider. It also means that if you’ve disabled 2FA on your Microsoft work account or Google G Suite account, you’ll need to make sure it’s re-enabled before Feb 22. Otherwise, you’ll have no 2FA protections in place when logging into Auvik.
COMING SOON! Mandatory two-factor authentication
To improve the security of user accounts, we’ll soon require all Auvik password users to enable two-factor authentication (2FA). Two-factor authentication becomes mandatory in March. We’re planning improvements to 2FA to make the transition easier, including the ability to change the 2FA method at the client level.
HEADS UP! End of support for TLS 1.1
To maintain security, we’re removing support for TLS 1.1 in both Auvik and the Auvik API on Mar 1, 2020. You may be affected if you’ve written an integration with Auvik on an older development platform, such as an older version of the .NET framework. To maintain your integration, you'll need to specify a newer version of TLS. We recommend TLS version 1.2 or higher.