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How to configure NetFlow on Juniper MX routers


Juniper devices support Junos Traffic Vision, previously called J-Flow.

These instructions assume:

  • The Juniper MX router is running Junos OS release 13.2 or higher.
  • MS-MIC is installed on the device.
  • The date, time and time zonee are correctly set on the router.
  • You have Telnet or SSH credentials and access to your Juniper MX router.
  • The IP address of your Auvik collector is known.

Access your router CLI

  1. Telnet or SSH into your router.
  2. Enter privileged mode by typing enable and entering your enable password.

Enable NetFlow

Run the following command. Replace AuvikCollectorIP with the IP address of your Auvik collector and AuvikPort with one of the following ports: 2055, 2056, 4432, 4739, 6343, 9995 or 9996.

set chassis fpc 1 sampling-instance NETFLOW-INSTANCE
set chassis network-services ip
set services flow-monitoring  version9 template LM-V9 option-refresh-rate seconds 25
set services flow-monitoring  version9 template LM-V9 template-refresh-rate seconds 15
set services flow-monitoring  version9 template LM-V9 ipv4-template
set forwarding-options sampling instance NETFLOW-INSTANCE input rate 1 run-length 0
set forwarding-options sampling instance NETFLOW-INSTANCE family inet output flow-server <AuvikCollectorIP> port <AuvikPort>
set forwarding-options sampling instance NETFLOW-INSTANCE family inet output flow-server <AuvikCollectorIP> source <Your Router IP>
set forwarding-options sampling instance NETFLOW-INSTANCE family inet output flow-server <AuvikCollectorIP> version9 template LM-V9
set forwarding-options sampling instance NETFLOW-INSTANCE family inet output inline-jflow source-address <Your Router IP>
set interfaces ge-1/3/3 unit 2630 family inet sampling input
set interfaces ge-1/3/3 unit 2630 family inet sampling output


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