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How to configure NetFlow on Cisco Routers


These instructions assume:

  • The router is running a minimum of IOS version 12.0(22)S, 12.2(14)S, or 12.2(15)T.
  • The date, time and time zone are correctly set on the router.
  • You have Telnet or SSH credentials and access to your Cisco router.
  • The IP address of your Auvik collector is known.

Access your router CLI

  1. Telnet or SSH into your router.
  2. Enter privileged mode by typing enable and entering your enable password.

Enable NetFlow

  1. Run the following command. Replace AuvikCollectorIP with the IP address of your Auvik collector and AuvikPort with one of the following ports: 2055, 2056, 4432, 4739, 6343, 9995 or 9996.
    configure terminal
    ip flow-cache timeout active 1
    ip flow-cache timeout inactive 15
    ip flow-capture vlan-id
    ip flow-capture mac-addresses
    ip flow-export version 9 origin-as
    ip flow-export destination <AuvikCollectorIP> <AuvikPort>
  2. Now enable NetFlow collection on the interface(s) from which you want to capture information. Run the following based on the IOS version running on your router. Replace GigabitEthernet0/1 with the name of the interface you want to use for flow.
    # IOS version 12.0(22)S, 12.2(14)S, or 12.2(15)T
    interface GigabitEthernet0/1
    ip flow ingress
    # IOS older than 12.0(22)S, 12.2(14)S, or 12.2(15)T
    interface GigabitEthernet0/1
    ip route-cache flow
  3. Run the following command to confirm the configuration.
    show ip cache flow
    show ip flow interface
    show ip flow export
    show ip flow export template
  4. Save the active configuration: write memory
  5. Save the current running configuration to the startup configuration file: copy running-config startup-config


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