Alert noise can fill up your ticket queue or inbox and eclipse real issues, so we typically recommend tuning your alerts. The Auvik alert governor watches for alerts firing too often and notifies you when a specific alert might need tuning.
Once the governor discovers a noisy alert, it temporarily suppresses the alert according to the rules below. The rules apply to both preconfigured Auvik alerts and alerts you’ve created yourself. You can modify the default values that are set for each alert.
Rules for pausing alerts
When an alert meets one of the rules below, a notification on the alert’s mapped notification channels tells you it’s been temporarily disabled for the defined pause period. The default pause periods are based on alert severity.
Pause conditions for emergency and critical alerts
If an alert occurs 10 times within 2 hours against a specific entity (network, device, interface, hypervisor component, or service), the alert on the affected entity is paused for the defined period.
Defined pause periods are 1 hour, 2 hours, and 4 hours
Pause conditions for warning and information alerts
If an alert occurs 5 times within 2 hours against a specific entity (network, device, interface, hypervisor component, or service), the alert on the affected entity is paused for the defined period.
Defined pause periods are 12 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours
Within these rules, you have the defined pause period to modify the alert definition or troubleshoot the specific entity. Once the pause time is up, if the alert hasn’t been updated, the alert automatically re-enables with the same pause condition. This could cause an alert to cycle between being enabled and disabled.
If noise persists after you’ve edited the alert definition or taken corrective actions on the entity, contact our support team for help.
For details on reviewing paused alerts, see How do I pause or unpause alerts?