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Integrating Auvik with Discord


For more information on editing, deleting, disabling, and enabling integrations, see How do I edit, delete, disable, or enable integrations?

Auvik connects to Discord for alert notifications using an incoming webhook. All of your Auvik alerts will feed into a Discord channel. To have alerts sent to multiple channels, create a new webhook integration for each channel you’d like to post to. Webhooks can only be managed from your global site.

  • Create a new Discord webhook for Auvik
  • Add a new webhook integration in Auvik

Create a new Discord webhook for Auvik

  1. Go to the desired Discord channel.
  2. Click on the settings icon beside the channel name.

  1. Select Integrations.

  1. Click on Create Webhook.
  2. Click on New Webhook.
  3. Select the context menu (>) for the webhook.

  1. Provide a name for the webhook.
  2. Select the channel to post to.

  1. Click Copy Webhook URL.
  2. Save the webhook URL for use in the next step.

For details, refer to Discord’s Intro to Webhooks article.

How to add a new webhook integration in Auvik

  1. In Auvik, click Integrations in the side navigation bar.
  2. Hover over the Add Integration button.
  3. Select Webhook.
  4. Enter a name for the integration in Integration name.
  5. Enter the API URL that the webhook will call in Webhook URL.
  6. Skip Add Additional HTTP headers to send.
  7. Set your authentication method to No Authentication.
  8. Enter a JSONata expression to transform the webhook payload format to one required by the Discord API. The minimum required format to send a message to Discord webhook is a JSON with a content field as noted in the Discord Message structure reference.

“content”: alertDescription 

    • Substitute with the desired Auvik field names.
      • Use the Example Payload for the list of field names.
    • View the transformed payload in Example Payload, transformed.
  1. Click Test Connection to confirm your settings are accurate.
  2. Verify that a test message appears in the Discord channel.
  3. Click Save.

Payload Transformation Example

The Auvik alerting webhook payload and the available fields are detailed in this article. Here is a sample webhook payload transformation that provides more detailed information about the alert and a link to the alert in the Auvik UI.


  "embeds": [


      "title": subject,

      "description": $join([alertDescription,"\n\nEntity Name: ", entityName, "\nEntity Type: ", entityType, "\nDate/Time (UTC): ", date])



      "title": "View in Auvik",

      "url": link




The test message in Discord will look something like this:

For more complex transformations, refer to the JSONata documentation. Refer to Discord Message structure reference on supported message content types. 

Configure a notification channel

Before you can use the webhook integration with Discord, there’s one final configuration step: creating a notification channel to be associated with the Auvik alerts you’d like sent to Discord.

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