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Endpoint Monitoring


Endpoint Monitoring provides visibility to your endpoint enabling the ability to monitor and troubleshoot endpoint connectivity issues. 

Specifically, Endpoint Monitoring allows you to: 

  • Monitor Latency, Throughput, System Resources, WiFi health metrics, speedtest 
  • Diagnose cloud application connectivity & availability 
  • Track installed software & OS versions 

Using Endpoint Monitoring

Getting Started with Endpoint Monitoring 

To get started, log into the Auvik platform and have the Auvik Agent installed on the end user's machine. 

Endpoints will be registered to a site and are accessible within the Inventory menu, under All Endpoints. From this list you can select the machine you want to investigate by selecting the device’s name. 

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Endpoint Monitoring Features 

WiFi Stats 

Quickly determine whether an end user’s connectivity problems were related to poor WiFi with our new WiFi Signal strength chart. 

Screenshot 2024-11-06 at 10.01.08 AM.png

Internet Speed Test 

The Auvik Agent automatically runs a speed test allowing you to evaluate trends in up/down speeds that the endpoint is experiencing on a day-to-day basis. This test is first performed once the endpoint is online and then every subsequent four hours afterwards, provided that the endpoint has sufficient resources available to perform the test. If the endpoint is unavailable during the testing period it will be prompted to re-test once the endpoint is back online.

In order to validate that the endpoint has sufficient resources the Auvik Agent will evaluate the number of bytes received and sent by the endpoint on the network to ensure we have not met the pre-defined threshold. If the threshold is met the speed test will be delayed for 10 minutes until the next threshold check is performed.

A reminder that these tests do not provide the absolute internet speed, but rather a close approximation.

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Latency to Sites 

Understand what quality of service the end user is actually experiencing when using key cloud applications. Our Measured Sites Latency chart shows the latency to up to four configurable domains alongside the latency to the gateway so that you can diagnose whether the latency issue is within the network they’re on, or outside of it. 

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For each Auvik Site, you can configure up to four domains that all endpoints in that Site will monitor latency to. To configure the list of domains, go to the Endpoint Monitoring > Cloud Sites page, located under the Admin section. Enter a Fully Qualified Domain Name (and optional friendly name) for each site you want to monitor latency to. 

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Endpoint Inventory 

Use the comprehensive documentation of the endpoints' hardware components, software, and operating system to help gain insights into the operational state of endpoint hardware and pinpoint non-compliant or out of date software installations. 


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