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Alerting 2.0 - Creating Your First Alerts


Alerting 2.0 has enhanced alerting noise suppression capabilities, below are some activities that can help you explore these new capabilities.

Improving the Network Offline Alert

As an example, we’re going to create a site selection for all firewalls, routers and switches for every site below the top level site. Ultimately this will turn into a critical alert if any of these are offline for 3 minutes.

Create a Tag All Firewalls, Routers and Switches


  • Give the tag a name All Firewalls, Routers and Switches 
    • We’re going to use the OR logic


Build the OR rule set
  • Select Device Class and equal to
  • Type out FirewallRouter, Switch and Layer 3 Switch
    • This will select any devices that match one of the classes
  • Click Complete and Save
    • Saving the tag will allow you to reuse the device selection for other purpose

For now, we’ll build the alert and apply it to this tag.

Build the Multi-Site Specific Tag

Tags can be created at a site level, or a multi-site level. This can be extremely helpful in reducing the scope of an alert by applying the alert definition to a single, site-specific tag.

  • Navigate to the multi-site top level account
  • Click on Manage Tags on the left hand navigation

Create a Tag


  • If the user has permissions, they’ll be able to see the site tag at higher levels


Build an Offline Alert

This alert will apply to devices.

  • Select Devices with this tag
  • Choose Critical from the severity selection list
  • A section will appear below
    • This is where you will add the trigger definitions

image (22).png

  • Add a trigger message using some of the new variables:
The Auvik collector determined the $system.deviceClass, $system.hostname, is unreachable.
  • Select the notification channel


  • Select the Clear Condition


  • Complete and Save

Replacing Noisy Interface Alerts

Let’s create an alert to address some of the notification noise occurring. We’re going to copy the default alert settings, but slightly modify the trigger conditions.

  • Create a tag for all of the edge devices
    • This needs to be applied to Managed Access Points, switches OR layer 3 switches 
    • See the image below for an example of the rule creation
  • Next create an interface alert


  • Edit the Trigger Definitions

We’re going to create an alert that covers both interface errors or discards.


  • Set the clear condition
    • Currently custom clear conditions for interface alerts are not supported


  • Click Complete and Save
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