NEW! Multiple collectors
In a previous release, we implemented an improvement for running multiple collectors on a single network for failover or network separation. With this release, you can select the collector for a subnet when adding a new undiscovered subnet or editing an existing subnet.
You can decide whether choosing the collector for a subnet should be automatic or manual. With automatic, Auvik determines the best collector to use for the subnet. With manual, you choose which collector to use on a subnet. With manual selections, you can also assign a secondary collector(s) to be the backup for the primary collector if it ever goes offline.
NEW! Alert variables
You asked, we delivered! With alert variables, you can now include something like $deviceOnlineStatusString in your alert description. We’ve started with a few variables and will be growing the list over time. For a list of the variables currently available and how to use them, see How do I use variables in alert descriptions?
NOTICE! ConnectWise integration
Although Auvik supports both ConnectWise Cloud and On Premise, when you create a new ConnectWise integration in Auvik, it defaults to ConnectWise Cloud. You no longer have the option to select ConnectWise On Premise.
But don’t worry—even if you have a self-hosted instance of ConnectWise, cloud is the way to go, assuming your instance can be accessed outside of your office without a VPN connection.
If your self-hosted instance of ConnectWise can’t be accessed outside of your office without a VPN connection, contact Auvik support and we’ll work with you to get your ConnectWise integration set up properly.