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Deploying Auvik SaaS Management using N-Sight RMM/N-Able


This article explains how to deploy the SaaS Management data collector to your devices via N-Sight RMM/N-Able.

The SaaS Management agent can be easily deployed via the Automation Policy Manager.
Note: These instructions may vary slightly based on your N-Able version and configuration.

Uploading the AMP file to N-Able’s Script Manager

  1. First, open your N-Able dashboard
  2. Navigate to Settings > Script Manager from the menu bar
  3.  Select New at the top of this screen
    This will allow you to create a new script which will silently deploy the SaaS Management Data Collector.
  4. In a separate tab, open your SaaS Management Portal
  5. Navigate to Partner Hub > Org Preferences > Integrations > N-Able
  6. Download the .AMP file listed on this page locally
    This .AMP file is an “Automation Manager Package” which can be imported into N-Able to begin the deployment.
  7. Navigate back to N-Sight. Complete the fields within the Add User Defined Scripts menu as follows:
    1. Name: Auvik SaaS Management Data Collector
    2. Description: A description about the deployment
    3. Default Timeout: 600 seconds
    4. Type: Automated Task
    5. OS: Windows
  8. When all fields have been completed, select the Browse option at the bottom of the screen and upload the .AMP file you downloaded from the previous step. 
  9. Once complete, click Save to save the script to N-Able’s Script Manager

Selecting Target Devices and Running The Automation Policy

Note: When deploying new clients or sites, this automation policy will automatically create a new tenant in the SaaS Management platform when it is run. There is no need to add a client manually.

There are multiple ways to run the newly created script, including right clicking on a device or a client within N-Sight. 

  1. On the left hand sidebar, right click the client’s name and select Task > Add
  2. Select your newly created script from the previous step
  3. Hit Next
  4. Select whether you’d like to run the script on both Workstations and Servers
  5. Hit Next
  6. Prior to the script being sent to the workstation, you’ll need to complete several script parameters which are specific to the client deployment.
    Enter the Input Parameters as follows: 
    1. Partner Token: Your partner token is a unique token specific to all of your sites
      You can find this token in your SaaS Management portal under Org Preferences > Integrations > N-Able.
    2. N-Able Client Name: A unique client name to easily identify this specific deployment. (This field will be used as the tenant name in the SaaS Management Platform)
    3. N-Able ClientID: This is a unique client ID from N-Able. This becomes the user’s tenant identifier in the SaaS Management Platform.
      Note: If you are not using N-Able Account/Site IDs, you can simply put any other unique value in this field. If you do not have any form of uniqueID per client/site, we recommend simply using the client’s name with spaces and special characters removed.
    4. Timing Considerations: Note if prompted, set the Maximum Permitted Execution Time to 10 minutes or 600 seconds
      It is recommended that you run the deployment on several devices manually to ensure that they check-in properly. You can then set the script to run on a daily scheduled to capture any new devices added to the site.
  7. Click the Next button to select your desired devices.
  8. Hit Add Task.
  9. You can check on the deployment’s progress within N-Sight under the Tasks menu.
  10. If the script has run successfully, you’ll see the devices appear under the SaaS Management platform under Clients > (Select the Newly Created Client) > Users > Devices Tab after about 10 minutes. 
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