In This Release
- We removed some leftover code from the Alpha and Beta phases that would cause Tonic to stop working on March 31st, 2022. Yeah, oops. Special thanks to our time-traveling friends in Australia, who caught this issue a day early!
- The links that we used on the packet capture adapter troubleshooting view weren't quite right, so we fixed those.
- The packet capture adapter troubleshooting view was appearing a little bit too soon, especially if you have more than one adapter. We adjusted the delay, so the view appears a bit later now.
Known Issues
- There still isn't a graceful way to stop a trial. Fortunately, Tonic is full-featured in trial mode, so it shouldn't hurt anything. We're still planning on fixing this though.
- There's something weird going on with the Retries graph. And by something weird, we mean that it basically doesn't work. Retries are pretty important, so we'll get that fixed soon!
- The Connected Data Rate field isn't working. We've got plans to replace it with a Client Tx Data Rate, and perhaps an AP Tx Data Rate as well.