Northstar is a troubleshooting tool that maps the network path of a device across devices. It will also provide key metrics for the devices in the path to assist with troubleshooting.
To use Northstar:
- Click on the device you want to troubleshoot
- Click on the Northstar
icon on the top of the side menu
- Click on Search Destination. A list of possible locations will populate the pull-down window.
- Choose a Destination of either the internet or another device across the network
- Choose a Destination of either the internet or another device across the network
- Click on Source location. A list of possible locations will populate. You can also click on the desired Source on your map to select it.
The screen will then show the network path from that device to the selected destination; either the internet or another device.
Northstar removes the extra devices on the map so that you can see the KPIs for the path. Each of the devices or sections of the path have expandable sections that hold additional information. The statuses and data on Northstar will be determined by the time frame selected at the lower right corner of your Auvik instance. You can now also click the Expand All button to show all the information for each section of the path.
To see the extra information on each section or device on the path click the arrow at the right side of the device or path name.
When the closed section opens, all the additional data will be available for that part of the path.
For each device that information includes:
- Device Name
- Device Type
- Make/Model
- Online status
- Manage status
- IP address(es)
- CPU% (Min/Max/Avg)
- Memory% (Min/Max/Avg)
For path segments, that includes:
- Path Segment
- Negotiated Speed
- Admin status
- Operational status
- IP address
- Access
- Rx Packets (Min/Max/Avg)
- Tx Packets (Min/Max/Avg)
- Rx Errors (Min/Max/Avg)
- Tx Errors (Min/Max/Avg)
- Rx Discard (Min/Max/Avg)
- Tx Discard (Min/Max/Avg)
- Rx Utilization (Min/Max/Avg)
- Tx Utilization (Min/Max/Avg)
When configured, each expanded section will also show any alerts generated.