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Auvik’s maintenance window feature is handy for managing unnecessary alerts during planned work sessions when you know devices will be taken offline or changing status frequently.
During a maintenance window, any active alerts will continue to trigger but you’ll stop receiving notifications by email or to an integration. To see which alerts triggered during a scheduled maintenance window, navigate to All Alerts from the client’s dashboard. From the All Alerts grid, you can see whether the alert was dispatched. If No appears in the column, you can create a notification.
- Add maintenance window
- Edit maintenance window
- Reset maintenance window
- End maintenance window
- Delete maintenance window
- Restore maintenance window
- View maintenance windows
- How to set / restore the Alert Suppression Settings
How to add a maintenance window
Adding a new maintenance window from your MSP dashboard adds the window to all your clients. To add a maintenance window to a specific client, add the window from that client’s dashboard.
- Click Manage Alerts in the side navigation bar.
- Click Maintenance Window.
- Click Add Maintenance Window.
- Fill in the Add Maintenance Window form. You must include a window name. If the window is for a specific device or group of devices (e.g., firewalls), set the affected entities.
- From the Scheduled time(s) drop-down, select how often the window should be active. Set the start and end date and times for the window:
- Once - one time only
- Daily - same time Mon-Sun
- Weekly - same day(s) and time each week
- If the timezone for the window differs from your company setting, select the appropriate timezone.
- Alert Suppression can have two options:
- Send alerts after maintenance window completes
This will only send notifications of alerts that remain triggered after the maintenance window has been closed.
- Suppress alerts after maintenance window completes
- This will ignore all alerts that happened or started during maintenance windows
- Send alerts after maintenance window completes
- Enter a comment about the maintenance window.
- Click Save.
Once the maintenance window is saved, Auvik shows you when the maintenance session is scheduled. If you finish maintenance before the defined period ends, you can always end the window manually.
How to edit a maintenance window
You can edit an active maintenance window to change the window’s time frame or update your comments about the maintenance.
For example, maintenance windows that were configured as Once (one-time only) remain in the Configured Maintenance Windows table after they’re done. This allows you to use the same time as previously configured for a new one-time-only date.
- Click Manage Alerts in the side navigation bar
- Click Maintenance Window.
- Check the box at the beginning of the maintenance window’s row.
- Click the Edit button.
- Make the edits you want.
- Click Save.
How to reset maintenance windows
Only maintenance windows created from the MSP dashboard can be reset. You can’t reset maintenance windows that were created directly on a client account.
To know which windows have been updated, look at the asterisk for each window in the table. A white asterisk () indicates no updates have been made. A grey asterisk (
) indicates an update has been made.
- Click Manage Alerts in the side navigation bar.
- Click Maintenance Window.
- In the list of windows, find the one(s) you want to reset. (The asterisk must be grey). Check the box at the beginning of each row.
- Click the Reset button.
- Confirm the reset by clicking Reset.
How to end a maintenance window
You can always end a maintenance window before the scheduled time is up. Ending a maintenance window automatically re-enables all Auvik alert notifications.
- Click Manage Alerts in the side navigation bar.
- Click Maintenance Window.
- Check the box at the beginning of the maintenance window’s row.
- Click the Conclude button.
- Confirm the window is to be ended by clicking Conclude.
How to delete a maintenance window
Be careful when deleting maintenance windows! If you select a window that was active at least once in the past, all history will be deleted along with it. We recommend only deleting maintenance windows that have never be implemented. This will ensure you don’t lose any history about past maintenance windows.
- Click Manage Alerts in the side navigation bar.
- Click Maintenance Window.
- Check the box at the beginning of the maintenance window’s row.
- Click the Delete button.
- Confirm the window is to be ended by clicking Delete.
How to restore deleted windows
If you’ve deleted a window that was created from the MSP dashboard, you can restore it rather than recreating it from scratch. Note that only windows shared between the MSP and the client can be restored. You can’t restore a window that was created on a specific client.
- Click Manage Alerts in the side navigation bar.
- Click Maintenance Window.
- Hover over the gear (
) icon above the Add Maintenance Windows button. Click Restore maintenance windows.
- In the list of deleted windows, find the one(s) you want to restore. Check the box at the beginning of each row.
- Click Restore.
How to see past and present maintenance windows
There are two tables available. On each table, you can use filters to show only certain details. For more information on filtering, see How to filter data in Auvik.
- Configured Maintenance Windows shows a list of all windows that have been created, including their current status (Active / Inactive), who set them, and the set schedule.
- Maintenance History shows a list of all windows that are active or have been completed. The history records that appear are based on the date range selected. By default, you’ll see the last 10 minutes. To see more, click the calendar from the entity navigation bar and select the date range you want.
How to set / restore the Alert Suppression Settings
You can quickly set and / or change the Alert Suppression behavior across all created maintenance windows by doing the following:
- Click Manage Alerts in the side navigation bar.
- Click Maintenance Window.
- Hover over the gear (
) icon above the Add Maintenance Windows button. Click Alert Suppression Settings.
- Select one of two available options (will be applied to all existing and future maintenance windows):
- Allow alerts to be sent after maintenance window completes
- Suppress alerts after maintenance window completes
- Click Save.